Below, you’ll find a detailed guide on how to add the Responsive Pricing Table Shortcode to your WordPress website, including its parameters, examples, and PHP function code. Additionally, we’ll assist you with common issues that might cause the Responsive Pricing Table Plugin shortcode not to show or not to work correctly.
Before starting, here is an overview of the Responsive Pricing Table Plugin and the shortcodes it provides:

"Responsive Pricing Table is a user-friendly WordPress plugin that allows seamless creation of attractive, customizable pricing tables. Enhance your website's conversion rate with this intuitive tool."
- [rpt]
Responsive Pricing Table [rpt] Shortcode
The dk-pricr-responsive-pricing-table plugin shortcode creates a responsive pricing table on your WordPress site. It retrieves the pricing table details, customizes the display based on the specified settings, and returns the HTML code for the table.
Shortcode: [rpt]
Here is a list of all possible rpt shortcode parameters and attributes:
– specifies the unique slug of the pricing table to display
Examples and Usage
Basic example – Display a pricing table by referencing the table name.
[rpt name="basic"]
Advanced examples
Display a pricing table by referencing the table name and customizing the appearance with additional parameters.
[rpt name="premium" title_align="center" title_fontsize="small" subtitle_fontsize="tiny" description_fontsize="small" price_fontsize="tiny" recurrence_fontsize="small" features_fontsize="small" button_fontsize="small"]
Display a pricing table by referencing the table name and applying custom CSS classes to the plans.
[rpt name="enterprise" plan_custom_classes="my-custom-class"]
Please note that the “name” attribute is required to display the correct pricing table. All other attributes are optional and allow for customization of the table’s appearance and behavior.
PHP Function Code
In case you have difficulties debugging what causing issues with [rpt]
shortcode, check below the related PHP functions code.
Shortcode line:
add_shortcode("rpt", "rpt_sc");
Shortcode PHP function:
function rpt_sc($atts) {
global $post;
/* Gets table slug (post name). */
$all_attr = shortcode_atts( array( "name" => '' ), $atts );
$name = $all_attr['name'];
/* Returned variable. */
$table_view = '';
/* Gets the pricing table. */
$args = array('post_type' => 'rpt_pricing_table', 'name' => $name);
$custom_posts = get_posts($args);
foreach($custom_posts as $post) : setup_postdata($post);
/* Gets the plans. */
$plans = get_post_meta( $post->ID, '_rpt_plan_group', true );
/* Counts the plans. */
$nb_plans = count($plans);
/* Gets 'force font' setting. */
$original_font = get_post_meta( $post->ID, '_rpt_original_font', true );
if ($original_font == 'no'){ $ori_f = ''; }
else { $ori_f = 'rpt_plugin_f'; }
/* Gets title align settings. */
$title_align = get_post_meta( $post->ID, '_rpt_title_alignment', true );
if ($title_align == 'center'){ $title_align_style = 'center'; }
else { $title_align_style = 'left'; }
/* Gets font size settings. */
$title_fontsize = get_post_meta( $post->ID, '_rpt_title_fontsize', true );
if ($title_fontsize == 'small') { $title_fs_class = ' rpt_sm_title'; }
else if ($title_fontsize == 'tiny') { $title_fs_class = ' rpt_xsm_title'; }
else { $title_fs_class = ''; }
$subtitle_fontsize = get_post_meta( $post->ID, '_rpt_subtitle_fontsize', true );
if ($subtitle_fontsize == 'small') { $subtitle_fs_class = ' rpt_sm_subtitle'; }
else if ($subtitle_fontsize == 'tiny') { $subtitle_fs_class = ' rpt_xsm_subtitle'; }
else { $subtitle_fs_class = ''; }
$description_fontsize = get_post_meta( $post->ID, '_rpt_description_fontsize', true );
if ($description_fontsize == 'small') { $description_fs_class = ' rpt_sm_description'; }
else { $description_fs_class = ''; }
$price_fontsize = get_post_meta( $post->ID, '_rpt_price_fontsize', true );
if ($price_fontsize == 'small') { $price_fs_class = ' rpt_sm_price'; }
else if ($price_fontsize == 'tiny') { $price_fs_class = ' rpt_xsm_price'; }
else if ($price_fontsize == 'supertiny') { $price_fs_class = ' rpt_xxsm_price'; }
else { $price_fs_class = ''; }
$recurrence_fontsize = get_post_meta( $post->ID, '_rpt_recurrence_fontsize', true );
if ($recurrence_fontsize == 'small') { $recurrence_fs_class = ' rpt_sm_recurrence'; }
else { $recurrence_fs_class = ''; }
$features_fontsize = get_post_meta( $post->ID, '_rpt_features_fontsize', true );
if ($features_fontsize == 'small') { $features_fs_class = ' rpt_sm_features'; }
else { $features_fs_class = ''; }
$button_fontsize = get_post_meta( $post->ID, '_rpt_button_fontsize', true );
if ($button_fontsize == 'small') { $button_fs_class = ' rpt_sm_button'; }
else { $button_fs_class = ''; }
/* START pricing table. */
$table_view .= '<div id="rpt_pricr" class="rpt_plans rpt_'.$nb_plans .'_plans rpt_style_basic">';
/* START inner. */
$table_view .= '<div class="'. $title_fs_class . $subtitle_fs_class . $description_fs_class . $price_fs_class . $recurrence_fs_class . $features_fs_class. $button_fs_class .'">';
if (is_array($plans) || is_object($plans)) {
/* For each plan. */
foreach ($plans as $key => $plan) {
/* If recommended plan. */
if (!empty($plan['_rpt_recommended'])){
$is_reco = $plan['_rpt_recommended'];
if ($is_reco == 'no' || empty($is_reco)){
$reco = '';
$reco_class = '';
} else {
$reco = '<img style="height:30px !important; width:30px !important;" class="rpt_recommended" src="' . plugins_url('img/rpt_recommended.png', __FILE__) . '"/>';
$reco_class = 'rpt_recommended_plan';
/* If NOT recommended plan. */
} else {
$reco = '';
$reco_class = '';
if (empty($plan['_rpt_custom_classes'])){
$plan['_rpt_custom_classes'] = '';
/* START plan. */
$table_view .= '<div class="rpt_plan '.$ori_f.' rpt_plan_' . $key . ' ' . $reco_class . ' ' . $plan['_rpt_custom_classes'] . '">';
/* Title. */
$title_style = 'style="text-align:'.$title_align_style.';"';
if (!empty($plan['_rpt_title'])){
$table_view .= '<div ' . $title_style . ' class="rpt_title rpt_title_' . $key . '">';
if (!empty($plan['_rpt_icon'])){
$table_view .= '<img src="' . $plan['_rpt_icon'] . '" class="rpt_icon rpt_icon_' . $key . '"/> ';
$table_view .= $plan['_rpt_title'];
$table_view .= $reco . '</div>';
/* START plan head (price). */
$table_view .= '<div class="rpt_head rpt_head_' . $key . '">';
/* Recurrence. */
if (!empty($plan['_rpt_recurrence'])){
$table_view .= '<div class="rpt_recurrence rpt_recurrence_' . $key . '">' . $plan['_rpt_recurrence'] . '</div>';
/* Price. */
if (!empty($plan['_rpt_price']) || $plan['_rpt_price'] == 0){
$table_view .= '<div class="rpt_price rpt_price_' . $key . '">';
if ( !empty($plan['_rpt_free']) && $plan['_rpt_free'] != 'no' ){
$table_view .= '<sup class="rpt_currency"></sup>' . $plan['_rpt_price'];
} else {
$currency = get_post_meta( $post->ID, '_rpt_currency', true );
if (!empty($currency)){
$table_view .= '<sup class="rpt_currency">';
$table_view .= $currency;
$table_view .= '</sup>';
$table_view .= $plan['_rpt_price'];
$table_view .= '</div>';
/* Subtitle. */
if (!empty($plan['_rpt_subtitle'])){
$table_view .= '<div style="color:' . $plan['_rpt_color'] . ';" class="rpt_subtitle rpt_subtitle_' . $key . '">' . $plan['_rpt_subtitle'] . '</div>';
/* Description. */
if (!empty($plan['_rpt_description'])){
$table_view .= '<div class="rpt_description rpt_description_' . $key . '">' . $plan['_rpt_description'] . '</div>';
/* END plan head. */
$table_view .= '</div>';
/* Features. */
if (!empty($plan['_rpt_features'])){
$table_view .= '<div class="rpt_features rpt_features_' . $key . '">'; // open
$features = array();
$string = $plan['_rpt_features'];
$stringAr = explode("\n", $string);
$stringAr = array_filter($stringAr, 'trim');
foreach ($stringAr as $feature) {
$features[] = strip_tags($feature,'<strong></strong><br><br/></br><img><a></a><i></i><span></span>');
foreach ($features as $small_key => $feature){
if (!empty($feature)){
$check = substr($feature, 0, 2);
if ($check == '-n') {
$feature = substr($feature, 2);
$check_color = '#bbbbbb';
} else {
$check_color = 'black';
$table_view .= '<div style="color:' . $check_color . ';" class="rpt_feature rpt_feature_' . $key . '-' . $small_key . '">';
$table_view .= $feature;
$table_view .= '</div>';
$table_view .= '</div>'; // close
/* Gets button data. */
if (!empty($plan['_rpt_btn_text'])){
$btn_text = $plan['_rpt_btn_text'];
if (!empty($plan['_rpt_btn_link'])){
$btn_link = $plan['_rpt_btn_link'];
} else { $btn_link = '#'; }
} else {
$btn_text = '';
$btn_link = '#';
/* Gets button behavior data. */
$newcurrentwindow = get_post_meta( $post->ID, '_rpt_open_newwindow', true );
if ($newcurrentwindow == 'newwindow'){
$link_behavior = 'target="_blank"';
} else {
$link_behavior = 'target="_self"';
/* If custom button. */
if (!empty($plan['_rpt_btn_custom_btn'])){
$table_view .= '<div class="rpt_custom_btn" style="background-color:'.$plan['_rpt_color'].'">';
$table_view .= do_shortcode($plan['_rpt_btn_custom_btn']);
$table_view .= '</div>';
/* If NOT custom button. */
} else {
/* START default button. */
if (!empty($plan['_rpt_btn_text'])){
$table_view .= '<a '. $link_behavior .' href="' . do_shortcode($btn_link) . '" style="background:' . $plan['_rpt_color'] . '" class="rpt_foot rpt_foot_' . $key . '">';
} else {
$table_view .= '<a '. $link_behavior .' style="background:' . $plan['_rpt_color'] . '" class="rpt_foot rpt_foot_' . $key . '">';
$table_view .= do_shortcode($btn_text);
/* END default button. */
$table_view .= '</a>';
/* END plan. */
$table_view .= '</div>';
/* END inner. */
$table_view .= '</div>';
/* END pricing table. */
$table_view .= '</div>';
$table_view .= '<div style="clear:both;"></div>';
endforeach; wp_reset_postdata();
return $table_view;
Code file location:
Now that you’ve learned how to embed the Responsive Pricing Table Plugin shortcode, understood the parameters, and seen code examples, it’s easy to use and debug any issue that might cause it to ‘not work’. If you still have difficulties with it, don’t hesitate to leave a comment below.
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