Below, you’ll find a detailed guide on how to add the Testimonial Slider Shortcodes to your WordPress website, including their parameters, examples, and PHP function code. Additionally, we’ll assist you with common issues that might cause the Testimonial Slider Plugin shortcodes not to show or not to work correctly.
Before starting, here is an overview of the Testimonial Slider Plugin and the shortcodes it provides:

"Testimonial Slider is a dynamic WordPress plugin that allows you to beautifully display and manage client testimonials. With its easy-to-use interface, you can create an engaging showcase in no time."
- [tss-testimonial-submit]
- [rt-testimonial]
Testimonial Slider [tss-testimonial-submit] Shortcode
The Testimonial Slider Showcase shortcode is designed to create a submission form for testimonials. It generates a form within a div class, allowing users to input their testimonials. The PHP code for the shortcode triggers the ‘testimonial_submission’ function, which outputs a form with fields for front-end submission. It also includes a submit button and a response area for user interaction. The form is wrapped within a ‘tss-wrapper’ and ‘tss-submit-wrapper’ div classes for styling purposes. The ‘wp_footer’ action is added to include submission scripts.
Shortcode: [tss-testimonial-submit]
Examples and Usage
Basic example – A basic usage of the testimonial submission shortcode
[tss-testimonial-submit /]
PHP Function Code
In case you have difficulties debugging what causing issues with [tss-testimonial-submit]
shortcode, check below the related PHP functions code.
Shortcode line:
add_shortcode( 'tss-testimonial-submit', [ $this, 'testimonial_submission' ] );
Shortcode PHP function:
function testimonial_submission() {
$h = null;
$h .= "<div class='tss-wrapper tss-submit-wrapper'>";
$h .= "<form id='tss-submit-form' method='post'>";
$h .= TSSPro()->rtFieldGenerator( TSSPro()->tssFrontEndSubmitFields() );
$h .= "<div class='field-holder submit-holder'><input type='submit' class='tss-submit-button' value='" . esc_html__(
) . "'></div>";
$h .= '</form>';
$h .= "<div id='tss-submit-response'></div>";
$h .= '</div>';
add_action( 'wp_footer', [ $this, 'submission_scripts' ], 10 );
return $h;
Code file location:
Testimonial Slider [rt-testimonial] Shortcode
The ‘rt-testimonial’ shortcode is designed to display testimonials in a variety of layouts. It retrieves testimonial data, including author, designation, company, location, rating, and testimonial content. It also supports image and video testimonials, and allows for customization of columns, margins, and image types.
Shortcode: [rt-testimonial]
Here is a list of all possible rt-testimonial shortcode parameters and attributes:
– Specifies the unique identifier of the testimonial
Examples and Usage
Basic Example – Display a testimonial by referencing the ID of the testimonial.
[rt-testimonial id=1 /]
Advanced Examples
Display multiple testimonials by referencing their IDs.
[rt-testimonial id="1,2,3,4" /]
Display testimonials with specific layout and column settings. Here, ‘layout’ sets the layout style of the testimonials, ‘dCol’ sets the number of columns for desktop view, ‘tCol’ sets the number of columns for tablet view, and ‘mCol’ sets the number of columns for mobile view.
[rt-testimonial id="1,2,3,4" layout="isotope" dCol=3 tCol=2 mCol=1 /]
Display testimonials with specific grid type and margin settings. Here, ‘gridType’ sets the type of grid for the testimonials and ‘margin’ sets the margin of the grid items.
[rt-testimonial id="1,2,3,4" gridType="masonry" margin="no" /]
Display testimonials with specific image type. Here, ‘imageType’ sets the shape of the image in the testimonials.
[rt-testimonial id="1,2,3,4" imageType="circle" /]
PHP Function Code
In case you have difficulties debugging what causing issues with [rt-testimonial]
shortcode, check below the related PHP functions code.
Shortcode line:
add_shortcode( 'rt-testimonial', [ $this, 'testimonial_shortcode' ] );
Shortcode PHP function:
function testimonial_shortcode( $atts ) {
$rand = wp_rand();
$layoutID = 'tss-container-' . $rand;
$html = null;
$arg = [];
$atts = shortcode_atts(
'id' => null,
$scID = absint( $atts['id'] );
if ( $scID && ! is_null( get_post( $scID ) ) ) {
$scMeta = get_post_meta( $scID );
$buildMetas = $this->metas( $scMeta, $scID );
$arg['scMeta'] = $scMeta;
$lazyLoadP = false;
if ( $buildMetas ) {
extract( $buildMetas );
if ( ! in_array( $dCol, array_keys( TSSPro()->scColumns() ), true ) ) {
$dCol = 3;
if ( ! in_array( $tCol, array_keys( TSSPro()->scColumns() ), true ) ) {
$tCol = 2;
if ( ! in_array( $dCol, array_keys( TSSPro()->scColumns() ), true ) ) {
$mCol = 1;
$dColItems = $dCol;
$tColItems = $tCol;
$mColItems = $mCol;
$isIsotope = preg_match( '/isotope/', $layout );
$isCarousel = preg_match( '/carousel/', $layout );
$isVideo = preg_match( '/video/', $layout );
/* Argument create */
$containerDataAttr = false;
$containerDataAttr .= " data-layout='{$layout}' data-desktop-col='{$dCol}' data-tab-col='{$tCol}' data-mobile-col='{$mCol}'";
// Validation.
$dCol = $dCol == 5 ? '24' : round( 12 / $dCol );
$tCol = $tCol == 5 ? '24' : round( 12 / $tCol );
$mCol = $mCol == 5 ? '24' : round( 12 / $mCol );
if ( $isCarousel ) {
$dCol = $tCol = $mCol = 12;
$arg['grid'] = "rt-col-md-{$dCol} rt-col-sm-{$tCol} rt-col-xs-{$mCol}";
$arg['read_more'] = $readMore;
$arg['class'] = $gridType . '-grid-item';
$arg['class'] .= ' tss-grid-item';
$preLoader = null;
if ( $isIsotope ) {
$arg['class'] .= ' isotope-item';
$preLoader = 'tss-pre-loader';
if ( $isCarousel ) {
$arg['class'] .= ' slide-item swiper-slide';
$preLoader = 'tss-pre-loader';
$masonryG = null;
if ( $gridType == 'even' ) {
$masonryG = ' tss-even';
$arg['class'] .= ' even-grid-item';
} elseif ( 'masonry' === $gridType && ! $isIsotope && ! $isCarousel ) {
$masonryG = ' tss-masonry';
$arg['class'] .= ' masonry-grid-item';
if ( 'no' === $margin ) {
$arg['class'] .= ' no-margin';
} else {
$arg['class'] .= ' default-margin';
if ( 'circle' === $imageType ) {
$arg['class'] .= ' tss-img-circle';
$arg['items'] = $itemFields;
$arg['shareItems'] = [];
$arg['anchorClass'] = null;
$arg['link'] = $link ? true : false;
// Start layout.
$html .= TSSPro()->layoutStyle( $layoutID, get_post_meta( $scID ), $scID );
$html .= "<div class='rt-container-fluid tss-wrapper {$parentClass}' id='{$layoutID}' {$containerDataAttr}>";
$html .= "<div data-title='" . esc_html__(
'Loading ...',
) . "' class='rt-row tss-{$layout}{$masonryG} {$preLoader}'>";
// WP_Query args.
$tssArgs = TSSPro()->buildArgs( $buildMetas, $isCarousel );
$tssQuery = new WP_Query( $tssArgs );
if ( $tssQuery->have_posts() ) {
if ( $isIsotope ) {
$terms = get_terms(
'taxonomy' => TSSPro()->taxonomies['category'],
'hide_empty' => false,
'orderby' => 'meta_value_num',
'order' => 'ASC',
'meta_key' => '_order',
$html .= '<div class="tss-iso-filter"><div id="iso-button-' . absint( $rand ) . '" class="tss-isotope-button-wrapper tooltip-active filter-button-group">';
$htmlButton = null;
$fSelectTrigger = false;
if ( ! empty( $terms ) && ! is_wp_error( $terms ) ) {
foreach ( $terms as $term ) {
$fSelect = null;
if ( $tItem == $term->term_id ) {
$fSelect = ' selected';
$fSelectTrigger = true;
$htmlButton .= "<span class='rt-iso-button {$fSelect}' data-filter-counter='' data-filter='.iso_{$term->term_id}' {$fSelect}>" . $term->name . '</span>';
if ( empty( $isotopeShowAll ) ) {
$fSelect = ( $fSelectTrigger ? null : ' selected' );
$html .= "<span class='rt-iso-button{$fSelect}' data-filter-counter='' data-filter='*'>" . esc_html__( 'Show all', 'testimonial-slider-showcase' ) . '</span>';
$html .= $htmlButton;
$html .= '</div>';
if ( ! empty( $isotopeSearchFilter ) ) {
$html .= "<div class='iso-search'><input type='text' class='iso-search-input' placeholder='" . esc_html__( 'Search', 'testimonial-slider-showcase' ) . "' /></div>";
$html .= '</div>';
$html .= '<div class="tss-isotope" id="tss-isotope-' . $rand . '">';
} elseif ( $isCarousel ) {
$autoPlay = ( in_array( 'autoplay', $cOpt, true ) ? 'true' : 'false' );
$autoPlayHoverPause = ( in_array( 'autoplayHoverPause', $cOpt, true ) ? 'true' : 'false' );
$nav = ( in_array( 'nav', $cOpt, true ) ? 'true' : 'false' );
$dots = ( in_array( 'dots', $cOpt, true ) ? 'true' : 'false' );
$loop = ( in_array( 'loop', $cOpt, true ) ? 'true' : 'false' );
$lazyLoad = ( in_array( 'lazy_load', $cOpt, true ) ? 'true' : 'false' );
$lazyLoadP = ( in_array( 'lazy_load', $cOpt, true ) ? true : false );
$autoHeight = ( in_array( 'auto_height', $cOpt, true ) ? 'true' : 'false' );
$rtl = ( in_array( 'rtl', $cOpt, true ) ? 'dir="rtl"' : '' );
$carouselWrapper = 'carousel11' === $layout || 'carousel12' === $layout ? 'tss-carousel-main' : 'tss-carousel';
if ( 'carousel11' === $layout ) {
$html .= $this->renderThumbSlider( $scID, $tssQuery, $scMeta, $arg );
$html .= '<div class="carousel-wrapper">';
$html .= "<div {$rtl} class='{$carouselWrapper} swiper'
$html .= '<div class="swiper-wrapper">';
while ( $tssQuery->have_posts() ) :
$iID = get_the_ID();
$arg['iID'] = $iID;
$arg['author'] = get_the_title();
$arg['designation'] = get_post_meta( $iID, 'tss_designation', true );
$arg['company'] = get_post_meta( $iID, 'tss_company', true );
$arg['location'] = get_post_meta( $iID, 'tss_location', true );
$arg['rating'] = get_post_meta( $iID, 'tss_rating', true );
$arg['video'] = get_post_meta( $iID, 'tss_video', true );
$arg['social_media'] = get_post_meta( $iID, 'tss_social_media', true );
$arg['pLink'] = get_permalink();
$aHtml = null;
if ( in_array( 'read_more', $arg['items'], true ) && function_exists( 'rttsp' ) ) {
$aHtml = "<a class='rt-read-more' href='" . esc_url( $arg['pLink'] ) . "'>{$arg['read_more']}</a>";
if ( $testi_limit ) {
$arg['testimonial'] = TSSPro()->strip_tags_content( get_the_content(), $testi_limit, $aHtml );
} else {
$arg['testimonial'] = get_the_content();
$arg['video_url'] = get_post_meta( $iID, 'tss_video', true );
if ( $isIsotope && taxonomy_exists( TSSPro()->taxonomies['category'] ) ) {
$termAs = wp_get_post_terms(
[ 'fields' => 'all' ]
$isoFilter = null;
if ( ! empty( $termAs ) ) {
foreach ( $termAs as $term ) {
$isoFilter .= ' ' . 'iso_' . $term->term_id;
$isoFilter .= ' ' . $term->slug;
$arg['isoFilter'] = $isoFilter;
if ( $lazyLoadP ) {
$arg['lazyLoad'] = true;
$arg['img'] = TSSPro()->getFeatureImage( $iID, $imgSize, $customImgSize, $defaultImgId, true );
} else {
$arg['lazyLoad'] = false;
$arg['img'] = TSSPro()->getFeatureImage( $iID, $imgSize, $customImgSize, $defaultImgId );
// Render layout.
$html .= TSSPro()->render( 'layouts/' . $layout, $arg );
if ( $isIsotope ) {
$html .= '</div>'; // End isotope.
} elseif ( $isCarousel ) {
if ( 'grid' !== $scMeta['tss_layout'] ) {
$html .= '</div>';
$html .= 'true' === $nav ? '<div class="swiper-arrow swiper-button-next"><i class="rttss-right-open"></i></div><div class="swiper-arrow swiper-button-prev"><i class="rttss-left-open"></i></div>' : '';
$html .= 'true' === $dots ? '<div class="swiper-pagination"></div>' : '';
$html .= '</div>';
$html .= '</div>'; // End Carousel item holder.
if ( 'carousel12' === $layout ) {
$html .= $this->renderThumbSlider( $scID, $tssQuery, $scMeta, $arg );
} else {
$html .= '<p>' . esc_html__( 'No testimonial found', 'testimonial-slider-showcase' ) . '</p>';
if ( $isIsotope || $isCarousel ) {
$html .= '<div class="rt-loading-overlay"></div><div class="rt-loading rt-ball-clip-rotate"><div></div></div>';
$html .= '</div>'; // End row.
if ( $hasPagination && ! $isCarousel ) {
$htmlUtility = null;
$postPp = $tssQuery->query_vars['posts_per_page'];
$page = $tssQuery->query_vars['paged'];
$foundPosts = $tssQuery->found_posts;
$morePosts = $foundPosts - ( $postPp * $page );
$totalPage = $tssQuery->max_num_pages;
$foundPost = $tssQuery->found_posts;
if ( $scMeta['tss_limit'][0] ) {
$range = $scMeta['tss_posts_per_page'][0];
$foundPost = $tssQuery->found_posts;
if ( $range && $foundPost > $range ) {
$foundPost = $scMeta['tss_limit'][0];
$totalPage = ceil( $foundPost / $range );
$foundPosts = $foundPost;
if ( 'pagination' === $paginationType ) {
$htmlUtility .= TSSPro()->pagination( $totalPage, $postPp );
} elseif ( 'pagination_ajax' === $paginationType && ! $isIsotope ) {
$htmlUtility .= TSSPro()->pagination(
} elseif ( 'load_more' === $paginationType ) {
$morePosts = $foundPosts - ( $postPp * $page );
$noMorePostText = esc_html__( 'No More Post to load', 'testimonial-slider-showcase' );
$loadingText = esc_html__( 'Loading ...', 'testimonial-slider-showcase' );
$htmlUtility .= '<div class="tss-load-more">
<span class="rt-button" data-sc-id="' . absint( $scID ) . '" data-total-pages="' . absint( $totalPage ) . '" data-posts-per-page="' . $postPp . '" data-found-posts="' . absint( $foundPosts ) . '" data-paged="1" data-no-more-post-text="' . esc_attr( $noMorePostText ) . '" data-loading-text="' . esc_attr( $loadingText ) . '">' . esc_html( $loadMore ) . ' <span>(' . esc_html( $morePosts ) . ')</span></span>
} elseif ( 'load_on_scroll' === $paginationType ) {
$htmlUtility .= '<div class="tss-scroll-load-more" data-trigger="1" data-sc-id="' . absint( $scID ) . '" data-paged="2"></div>';
if ( $htmlUtility ) {
$html .= "<div class='tss-utility'>" . $htmlUtility . '</div>';
$html .= '</div>'; // tss-container.
$scriptGenerator = [];
$scriptGenerator['layout'] = $layoutID;
$scriptGenerator['rand'] = $rand;
$scriptGenerator['scMeta'] = $scMeta;
$scriptGenerator['isIsotope'] = ( $isIsotope || 'masonry' === $gridType ? true : false );
$scriptGenerator['isCarousel'] = $isCarousel;
$this->scA[] = $scriptGenerator;
add_action( 'wp_footer', [ $this, 'register_scripts' ] );
} else {
$html .= '<p>' . esc_html__( 'No shortCode found', 'testimonial-slider-showcase' ) . '</p>';
return $html;
Code file location:
Now that you’ve learned how to embed the Testimonial Slider Plugin shortcodes, understood the parameters, and seen code examples, it’s easy to use and debug any issue that might cause it to ‘not work’. If you still have difficulties with it, don’t hesitate to leave a comment below.
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