Cool Timeline (Horizontal & Vertical Timeline) Shortcode

Below, you’ll find a detailed guide on how to add the Cool Timeline (Horizontal & Vertical Timeline) Shortcode to your WordPress website, including its parameters, examples, and PHP function code. Additionally, we’ll assist you with common issues that might cause the Cool Timeline (Horizontal & Vertical Timeline) Plugin shortcode not to show or not to work correctly.

Before starting, here is an overview of the Cool Timeline (Horizontal & Vertical Timeline) Plugin and the shortcodes it provides:

Plugin Icon
Cool Timeline (Horizontal & Vertical Timeline)

"Cool Timeline (Horizontal & Vertical Timeline) is a versatile WordPress plugin designed to create and display beautiful timelines on your website. It supports both horizontal and vertical layouts."

★★★★☆ (296) Active Installs: 20000+ Tested with: 6.3.2 PHP Version: 5.6
Included Shortcodes:
  • [cool-timeline]

Cool Timeline [cool-timeline] Shortcode

The Cool Timeline plugin shortcode generates a visually appealing, chronological timeline on your WordPress site. It allows customization of timeline attributes like layout, animation, date format, and more. The timeline can be populated with posts from a specific category, displaying them in ascending or descending order.

Shortcode: [cool-timeline]


Here is a list of all possible cool-timeline shortcode parameters and attributes:

  • post_per_page – defines the number of posts displayed per page
  • layout – sets the layout of the timeline
  • order – determines the order of the posts
  • story-content – sets the type of content in the story
  • animation – sets the animation type for the timeline
  • date-format – defines the format of the date displayed
  • icons – enables or disables the display of icons
  • show-posts – sets the number of posts to be shown
  • skin – defines the skin or theme for the timeline

Examples and Usage

Basic example – Displaying a simple timeline with default settings


Advanced examples

Displaying a timeline with a specific layout, order of posts and animation

[cool-timeline layout="one-side" order="DESC" animation="fadeInUp"]

Displaying a timeline with a specific number of posts per page, custom skin, and disabling icons

[cool-timeline post_per_page="5" skin="dark" icons="NO"]

Displaying a timeline with a specific date format and content type

[cool-timeline date-format="d/M/Y" story-content="full"]

PHP Function Code

In case you have difficulties debugging what causing issues with [cool-timeline] shortcode, check below the related PHP functions code.

Shortcode line:

add_shortcode('cool-timeline', array($ctl_shortcode,'cooltimeline_view'));

Shortcode PHP function:

function cooltimeline_view($atts, $content = null) {
		$attribute = shortcode_atts(array(
		    'post_per_page' => 10,
		), $atts);
		$skin = esc_attr($attribute['skin']);
		$ctl_options_arr = get_option('cool_timeline_settings');
		$layout = $attribute['layout'];

		// set stories animations
		  $ctl_animation ='fade-up';

		// loading timeline assets on shortcode specific page
		// get all settings
		$ctl_title_text = isset($ctl_options_arr['timeline_header']['title_text'])?$ctl_options_arr['timeline_header']['title_text']:'';
		$ctl_title_tag = isset($ctl_options_arr['title_tag'])?$ctl_options_arr['title_tag']:'H2';

			$user_avatar = wp_get_attachment_image_src($ctl_options_arr['timeline_header']['user_avatar']['id'],'medium');
		$ctl_post_per_page = isset($ctl_options_arr['post_per_page'])?$ctl_options_arr['post_per_page']:10;
		$ctl_no_posts = isset($ctl_options_arr['no_posts'])?$ctl_options_arr['no_posts']:"No timeline post found";
		$ctl_content_length = isset($ctl_options_arr['story_content_settings']['content_length'])?$ctl_options_arr['story_content_settings']['content_length']:100;
		$disable_months = isset($ctl_options_arr['disable_months'])?$ctl_options_arr['disable_months']:"no";
		$title_alignment = isset($ctl_options_arr['title_alignment'])?$ctl_options_arr['title_alignment']:"center";
		$display_readmore = isset($ctl_options_arr['story_content_settings']['display_readmore'])?$ctl_options_arr['story_content_settings']['display_readmore']:"yes";
		$ctl_title_text = $ctl_title_text ? $ctl_title_text : 'Timeline';
		if(isset($attribute['order'])&& !empty($attribute['order'])){
			$ctl_posts_orders =$attribute['order'];
			$ctl_posts_orders = isset($ctl_options_arr['posts_orders'])?$ctl_options_arr['posts_orders']:"DESC";
		if(isset($attribute['story-content'])&& !empty($attribute['story-content'])){
			$story_desc_type =$attribute['story-content'];
			$story_desc_type = isset($ctl_options_arr['desc_type'])?$ctl_options_arr['desc_type']:"short";

		$first_story_position = isset($ctl_options_arr['first_story_position'])?$ctl_options_arr['first_story_position']:"right";
		$year_label_visibility = isset($ctl_options_arr['story_date_settings']['year_label_visibility'])?$ctl_options_arr['story_date_settings']['year_label_visibility']:'1';
		// create dynamic classes
		$wrp_cls = 'white-timeline';
		$post_skin_cls = 'light-grey-post';
		$wrapper_cls = 'white-timeline-wrapper';$output='';$ctl_html='';$ctl_avtar_html='';
		// set default var for later use
		$display_year = '';	$wrp_cls=''; $ctl_format_html=''; $ctl_html_no_cont=''; $st_cls=''; $post_content="";
		$horizontal_html = "";
		// custom date format
		$format =__(' d/M/Y','cool-timeline1');
		$year_position = 2;
		$i = 0;

		/* checking timeline layout and creating classes */
		if ($attribute['layout'] == "one-side") {
			$layout_cls = 'one-sided';
			$layout_wrp = 'one-sided-wrapper';
		}elseif ($attribute['layout'] == "compact"){
		 	$layout_cls = 'compact';
			$layout_wrp = 'compact-wrapper';
			$layout_cls = '';
			$layout_wrp = 'both-sided-wrapper';

		// create classes according to the active layout

	    if($layout !="simple"){
  		// date format for timeline stories
		// timeline stories custom loop
		$args = array(
		    'post_type' => 'cool_timeline', 
		    'posts_per_page' => $ctl_post_per_page,
		    'post_status' => array( 'publish', 'future','Scheduled'),
		    'orderby' => 'ctl_story_timestamp',
		    'order' =>$ctl_posts_orders
	    $args['meta_query']= array(
				'key'=> 'ctl_story_timestamp',
				'compare' => 'EXISTS',
				'type'    => 'NUMERIC'

		// paged for pagination 
		$args['paged']= (get_query_var('paged')) ? get_query_var('paged') : (get_query_var('page') ? get_query_var('page'):1);
	   	if ($attribute['show-posts']) {
			$args['posts_per_page'] = $attribute['show-posts'];
				$args['posts_per_page'] =-1;
		}else {
			$args['posts_per_page'] = $ctl_post_per_page;

		// start Main query
		$ctl_loop = new WP_Query(apply_filters( 'ctl_stories_query',$args));
		$total_stories = $ctl_loop->found_posts;
		if ($ctl_loop->have_posts()){		
			while ($ctl_loop->have_posts()) : $ctl_loop->the_post();
			    $p_id = get_the_ID();
			    global $post;

				$ctl_story_media = get_post_meta($p_id, 'story_media', true);
 				$img_cont_size = isset($ctl_story_media['img_cont_size'])?$ctl_story_media['img_cont_size']:'Full';
				$container_cls = isset($ctl_story_media['img_cont_size'])?$ctl_story_media['img_cont_size']:'Full';
			    $container_cls = strtolower($container_cls);
			    // grabing stories posted date for later use
			    $posted_date = CTL_functions::ctlfree_get_story_date($p_id,$date_format);
				// grabing stories content according to the  dynamic settings 
				if($story_desc_type=='full' || $layout == "horizontal"){
					$post_content = apply_filters( 'the_content', get_the_content() );
					$post_content = apply_filters('cool_timeline_story_content',$post_content);
					$post_content = apply_filters( 'cool_timeline_story_content',get_the_excerpt());
				// adding clasess for alernate styles.
				$condition = $i % 2 == 0;
				if($first_story_position =='left'){
					$condition = $i % 2 != 0;
				if ($condition) {
					$even_odd = "even";
				} else {
					$even_odd = "odd";
				// Generating Stories Hightlighted Year only for default and one sided timeline layouts
				$s_date_only = CTL_functions::ctlfree_get_story_date($p_id,$format);
				$post_date = explode('/', $s_date_only);

				// add story Year circle only in defaut and one sided vertical layout			
							$post_year = $post_date[$year_position];
							if($post_year != $display_year) {
							 	$display_year = $post_year;
							 	$year_cls = $this->ctl_story_cls($post_year);
								$ctle_year_lbl = sprintf('<span class="ctl-timeline-date">%s</span>', $post_year);
								$ctl_html .= '<div  data-aos="'. esc_attr($ctl_animation).'"  class="timeline-year scrollable-section"
								data-section-title="' . esc_attr($post_year) . '" id="clt-' . esc_attr($post_year) . '">
								<div class="icon-placeholder">' .wp_kses_post($ctle_year_lbl). '</div>
								<div class="timeline-bar"></div>

				// timeline stories all classes
				$p_cls[]= $skin.'-skin';
				// generate timeline story content html
				$ctl_html .='<!-- .timeline-post-start-->';
				$ctl_html .='<div  class="'.implode(" ",$p_cls).'"  id="story-'.esc_attr($p_id).'">';
					$ctl_html .='<div  data-aos="'.esc_attr($ctl_animation).'" class="timeline-meta">';
						$ctl_html .= '<div class="meta-details">'.esc_html($posted_date) . '</div>';
					$ctl_html .= '</div>';
				// grabing stories icon
				   $icon = '<i class="fa fa-clock-o" aria-hidden="true"></i>';
			 	// if icon settings is enable from shortcode
				if(isset($attribute['icons']) && $attribute['icons'] == "YES"){
					$ctl_html .='<div data-aos="'. esc_attr($ctl_animation).'" class="timeline-icon icon-larger iconbg-turqoise icon-color-white">
						<div class="icon-placeholder">'.wp_kses_post($icon).'</div>
						<div class="timeline-bar"></div>
					$ctl_html .= '<div  data-aos="'.esc_attr($ctl_animation).'" class="timeline-icon icon-dot-full"><div class="timeline-bar"></div></div>';

				$ctl_html .= '<div  data-aos="'.esc_attr($ctl_animation).'" class="timeline-content clearfix">';
				// story date for compact layout
				if($layout =="compact"){
						$ctl_html .= '<h2 class="content-title">' . wp_kses_post($posted_date) . '</h2>';
					$ctl_html .= '<h2 class="content-title">' . esc_html(get_the_title($p_id)) . '</h2>';
				$ctl_html .= '<div class="ctl_info event-description ' .esc_attr($container_cls) . '">';
				$ctl_html .= $this->clt_story_featured_img($p_id,$layout);
				$ctl_html .= '<div class="content-details">';

				if($layout =="compact"){
					$ctl_html .= '<h3 class="content-title-cmt">'.esc_html(get_the_title($p_id)).'</h3>';
				$ctl_html .= $post_content;
				$ctl_html .= '</div></div></div><!-- timeline content --></div><!-- .timeline-post-end -->';
				$ctl_format_html = '';

				// creating Horizontal layout HTML
				if($layout =="horizontal"){
					$post_year = CTL_functions::ctlfree_get_story_date($p_id,__('Y','cool-timeline'));
					$horizontal_html.='<li class="year-'.esc_attr($post_year).' '.esc_attr($even_odd).' '.esc_attr($year_cls).'">';
					if (isset($attribute['icons']) && $attribute['icons'] == "YES") {
						$horizontal_html.='<span class="icon-placeholder">'.wp_kses_post($icon).'</span>';
					// grabing Highlighted Year
					if( $display_readmore=="yes"){
						$horizontal_html.='<a class="horizontal_glightbox" href="#ctl-story-'.esc_attr($p_id).'">';
					$horizontal_html.='<div class="ctl-story-year"><span class="rm_year">'.esc_html($story_main_date).'</span></div>';
					$horizontal_html.='<div class="ctl-story-title"><p class="story_title">';
					if( $display_readmore=="yes"){
					$horizontal_html.='<div id="ctl-story-'.esc_attr($p_id).'" class="ctl_hide"><div class="ctl-popup-content">
					$story_posted_date = CTL_functions::ctlfree_get_story_date($p_id,__(apply_filters( 'cool_timeline_story_date','F j, Y'),'cool-timeline'));
					$horizontal_html.='<div class="story-posted-date">'.esc_html($story_posted_date).'</div>';
					$horizontal_html .=$this->clt_story_featured_img($p_id,$layout);
					$horizontal_html.='<div class="story-content">'.wp_kses_post($post_content).'</div>';
				$post_content = '';
		} else {
			$ctl_html_no_cont .= '<div class="no-content"><h4>';
			$ctl_html_no_cont .= __('Sorry,You have not added any story yet', 'cool-timeline');
			$ctl_html_no_cont .= '</h4></div>';

			Timeline Main Container Wrapper

		$output .='<! ========= Cool Timeline Free '. CTL_V.' =========>';

		// Generating Wrapper for Vertical timeline
			// creating classes

			$output .= '<div class="'.implode(" ",$main_wrp_cls).'">';
			if (isset($user_avatar[0]) && !empty($user_avatar[0])) {
				$ctl_avtar_html .= '<div class="avatar_container row"><span title="' .esc_attr($ctl_title_text) . '">
				<img class="center-block img-responsive img-circle" alt="'.esc_attr($ctl_title_text). '" src="' .esc_url($user_avatar[0]) . '"></span></div> ';
			$output .= sprintf('<%s class="timeline-main-title center-block">%s</%s>', $ctl_title_tag, $ctl_title_text, $ctl_title_tag);
			$output .= $ctl_avtar_html;
			$output .= '<div class="cool-timeline white-timeline ultimate-style ' .esc_attr($layout_wrp). ' ' .esc_attr($wrp_cls).' ' .esc_attr($layout_cls).'">';
			$output .= '<div data-animations="'.esc_attr($ctl_animation).'"  id="' .esc_attr($timeline_id). '" class="cooltimeline_cont  clearfix '.esc_attr($clt_icons).'">';
				$output .='<div class="center-line"></div>';
			$output .= $ctl_html;
			$output .= $ctl_html_no_cont;
			$output .= '</div>';

			$output .= '<div class="clearfix"></div></div>';
			$output .= CTL_functions::ctl_pagination($ctl_loop->max_num_pages, "", $paged);			
			$output .=' </div><!-- end
			================================================== -->';


			// Horizontal timeline Wrapper		
			$output .='<div class="ctl-preloader-loader" style="width: 100%; min-height: 300px; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center;"><img alt="loading" src="'.CTL_PLUGIN_URL.'/assets/images/clt-preloader.gif"  style="width: 100px; height: 100px;"></div>

			$output .= '<div class="cool_timeline_horizontal"><ul data-slide-to-show="'.esc_attr($slidetoshow).'" class="ctl_road_map_wrp">';
			$output .= $horizontal_html;
			$output .='</ul></div>';
		return $output;

Code file location:



Now that you’ve learned how to embed the Cool Timeline (Horizontal & Vertical Timeline) Plugin shortcode, understood the parameters, and seen code examples, it’s easy to use and debug any issue that might cause it to ‘not work’. If you still have difficulties with it, don’t hesitate to leave a comment below.


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